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Hyundai’s XCIENT Fuel Cell trucks surpass 10 million km milestone in Switzerland

Hyundai’s latest achievement serves as further proof of the reliability of Hydrogen fuel cell trucks.

Jerome Tresvalles Jerome Tresvalles on Jun 14, 2024

After just three years and eight months, the Hyundai XCIENT Fuel Cell has surpassed a significant milestone since it entered Swiss fleet operations back in 2020. The achievement in question is a cumulative driving distance of 10 million km, a testament to the long-term reliability of hydrogen fuel cell technology.

Currently, Switzerland operates a fleet of 48 XCIENT Fuel Cell trucks. Each truck is equipped with two 90-kW fuel cell systems, totaling 180 kW of power, along with a 350 kW electric motor, enabling a maximum range of over 400 kilometers.

According to Hyundai, when compared to a fleet of conventional diesel trucks emitting approximately 6,300 tonnes of carbon dioxide over a cumulative distance of 10 million kilometers, the XCIENT Fuel Cell electric truck delivers a substantial reduction in carbon emissions. This reduction is estimated to equate to the annual carbon absorption of about 700,000 pine trees or the establishment of a pine forest covering 508 hectares (5 million square meters).

Hyundai further adds that in Switzerland, all XCIENT Fuel Cell heavy-duty trucks exclusively utilize 'green hydrogen', ensuring zero emissions during production and supporting the establishment of an environmentally friendly hydrogen value chain in Europe.

Hyundai XCIENT Inline 1

This milestone also represents a substantial stride in advancing hydrogen fuel cell system technology. Hyundai Motor plans to leverage the extensive vehicle data on mileage, hydrogen consumption, and fuel cell stack performance collected during this achievement to enhance its hydrogen fuel cell technology continuously and apply it across diverse vehicle types.

Thanks to its achievements, the renowned XCIENT Fuel Cell truck has been deployed in a total of 10 countries. These include the U.S., Switzerland, Germany, France, Netherlands, New Zealand, Korea, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and UAE.

Hyundai XCIENT Fleet

The XCIENT Fuel Cell Truck has not reached South East Asia yet but, the development of Hydrogen Fuel Cell tech does provide a glimmer of hope for a cleaner future in the truck industry.

Want to check out Hyundai’s commercial vehicle offering in the Philippines? Check out the Hyundai Truck Guide on TruckDeal.com.ph. 

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