Trucks are interesting if you’re into technical data, fuel efficiency, and just big rigs in general. The problem arises when you try and explain that to some dude or dudette that can’t tell the difference between models.
How do you explain to someone what a truck can do, without explaining what a truck can do? Well, if you’re Volvo, you get a little bit nutty and make a video that sort of explains how efficient and fun their new FH series is.
The whole premise of the video is that Volvo is “marrying” the two terms together, but making the trucks sentient in this video and making them fall in love with each other. Both of the trucks have names, one being “Fun” then the other called “Efficiency.”
Now, Efficiency was all alone at the Lonely Truck Restaurant and Minimart in the rain and with no fun in sight, literally. Then, everything changed when Fun came along. We’re not going to lie, both of them look great together. Volvo’s FH series is one of the better-looking models out in the market today, so we won’t fault either for love at first sight.
The chase was on. Efficiency chased Fun across the highway, doing a 180-degree turn and going tractor head to tractor head with Fun. Now, it’s a good thing that there was nobody else on the road because that would have spoiled the mood for sure.
Then when you thought that things couldn’t get nuttier, the two trucks end up flying in the sky, going through the clouds under the sweet sweet spell of love only to land on the highway next to a couple that was just enjoying a picnic by the side of the road.
Even nuttier still is the beach scene where both trucks find themselves in a loving entangle, similar to how a couple would roll around in the sand in each other’s arms while laughing and playing with each other.
If you thought that things couldn’t get any crazier, don’t worry because if that wasn’t enough for you to handle, Volvo trucks have an extended version right here: